
Posts Tagged ‘terrimoto’


What is  twisting our

antenna today, October 26, 2011?

The powerful 7.3 Magnitude Earthquake that hit Eastern Turkey – Oct 23, 2011.

MAP  7.2   2011/10/23 10:41:21    38.628    43.486  20.0   EASTERN TURKEY

We have to pause to send thoughts and prayers to the people of  Turkey after suffering a catastrophic earthquake.  That being said, WTF?

By some accounts there was a perfect storm for just such a quake.  Look at the work the UFO Blogger has done. http://www.ufo-blogger.com/2011/10/turkey-earthquake-elenin-alignments.html .

Turkey Earthquake: Elenin Alignments With Earth Caused Turkey Deadly 7.3 EQ

In past we had reported planetary alignments with comet Elenin causing big earthquakes.(Scientific study). As there seems to be a pattern forming every time Elenin lines up with Earth and another planet or the sun we have an earthquake, the nearer Elenin gets the bigger the earthquakes.
Down below is last three year Elenin Earth alignment dates and Earthquakes data:[Full Data Here]
Past Alignments
Elenin – Earth – Sun
Feb 20, 2008
Elenin – Earth – Neptune
May 12, 2008
Elenin – Mercury- Earth
July 15, 2009
New Zealand
Elenin – Mercury – Earth
Aug 09, 2009
Elenin – Sun – Earth
Sept 09, 2009
Sunola islands
Elenin – Earth – Venus
Feb 18, 2010
Elenin – Earth-Sun
Feb 26, 2010
Elenin – Earth- Sun
Feb 27, 2010
Elenin – Earth – Mercury
March 08, 2010
Elenin – Earth – Jupiter
Jan 03, 2011
Elenin – Earth – Sun
March 11, 2011
Elenin – Mercury – Mars
Sept. 6, 2011
Elenin Equidistant from Sun And Earth 0.523 AU
Sept. 19, 2011
Elenin – Venus – Earth
Sept 21 – 22
Tongo – Sept.22
Elenin will enter Earth orbit and we will experience a gravitational pull
Oct 18-21
Kermadec Islands
And now on another Elenin – Earth (Distance: 0.246 AU), 2005 YU55 – Earth (Distance: 0.138 AU) close alignment, turkey got hit by two massive earthquakes of 7.3, 6.1 magnitude.
While a two week old baby and her mother were rescued and prisoners have set fire to the jail, the aftershocks continue.
Just before 18:00 UTC Monday a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) swept past the Ace Spacecraft and a Sudden Geomagnetic Impulse was detected shortly after. The solar wind reached near 550 km/s at its peak and the Bz was tilting sharply north and then south for long durations. Strong geomagnetic storming reaching close to the G3 Level took place at high latitudes. The storming has since subsided.  The cause of all this activity was a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) seen here which resulted from a disappearing solar filament on Oct 22, 2011. Sourced via one really cool site for science at http://www.solarham.com/.
As a good bonus, much of the USA got to see the Aurora Borealis!
As a sad thing, especially since we have family memberships in both Ducks Unlimited (www.ducks.org/) , and the NRA  www.nra.org/ …

Thousands of dead birds will be collected from an Ontario shoreline on Monday as the province’s Ministry of Natural Resources tries to determine what killed the waterfowl.

Officials estimate as many as 6,000 dead birds have washed up on the Georgian Bay’s shoreline. The carcasses are scattered along a nearly three-kilometre stretch near Wasaga Beach. Sourced at http://ottawa.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20111023/dead-birds-wasaga-beach-ontario-shore-111023/20111023/?hub=OttawaHome

As if the lovely people of Japan don’t have enough to to deal with post tsunami, a 5.2 magnitude quake struck Fukushima Prefecture overnight, just after 2 a.m local time Wednesday.  And,  a 6.1 Earthquake hit Hokkaido, Japan Region – Oct 21, 2011.  Iceland hasn’t been left out of the mix either- A 5.0 magnitude earthquake occurred 631.93 mi NE of REYKJAVIK, Iceland October 24, 2011.
Even the heat seekers of Arizona are not immune w/ a 3.6 quake 18:20:24 UTC yesterday.  The most current earthquakes of the world can be found at USGS,  http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/quakes_all.php
Also on October 22, 2011, we found this video claiming HAARP at work…October/22/2011 Freaky HAARP Time Lapse Victoria BC Canada
Dutchense Adepto de Perfectus wrote, on October 22, 2011… 
…Starting at a little before midnight.. going into the early AM of October 23 — this “HAARP ring” outbreak occurred in Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Illinois (as well as to the east in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York).. seen below in this screenshot http://sincedutch.wordpress.com/2011/10/23/10232011-forecast-confirmation-hail-hits-haarp-ring-effected-area-iowa-wisconsin-minnesota-illinois/
“Earthquakes are terrifying reminders that some of Earth’s processes remain beyond human control. So why do some people think scientists can actually create these disasters? Learn more about earthquake conspiracy theories in this pod cast, http://holykaw.alltop.com/can-scientists-manufacture-earthquakes?tu3=1.”
We are not complete idiots.  Yes, we know there are all sorts of natural occurrences; things that look like weather, and that sometimes the world just shifts, and shit hits the fan- but the tinfoil hat is on.
Good day.

  flag tounge 

Open wide, say ahhh and check out more posts from Ahrcanum! 

Our Swine Flu Report that began in April 2009 is at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report     

Shaking, rattling and rolling into the conspiracy, truth and science of EARTHQUAKES, HAARP, EISCAT, Tesla, etc., with more posts at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/earthquakes-haarp/  

Help spread the word.  SUBSCRIBE  NOW and Follow us on Twitter (by clicking in the side margin)  so you can get the latest updates as soon as they’re posted. Make sure to retweet, so all your friends get the heads up too.

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Is Judgement Day, Doomsday and The Apocalypse upon us in the immediate future?  Your invited to pull out your tin foil conspiracy hat now.

The next two weeks offer a bunch of theories on the coming end of man kind and radical destruction of cities by earthquakes and natural disasters.  If the previous huge earthquakes around the world are any indicator, one might think so. 

In Rome, Italy people are taking the day off with a little bit of panic as rumors that self-taught seismologist Rafael Bendandi, who died in 1979, predicted a devastating earthquake would hit the city on May 11, 2011. Bendandi made his calculations on the basis of the movements of the planets, the moon and the sun. http://www.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=128127

Ironically enough, the planets are in alignment today.  Visit www.spaceweather.com for more.  There is also some amazing video of CME’s which have been known to disrupt the Earth’s magnetosphere additionally raising the possibility earthquakes.

Italy is no stranger to terrimoto predictions. 100′s of people in the province of L’Aquila, a 80 miles (130 km) east of Rome, were crushed in their beds when the earthquake struck March 2009.  Giampaolo Guiliani, a seismologist at the nearby Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Abruzzo predicted it.  More at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/08/italy-earthquake-warnings-by-giampaolo-guiliani-dismissed/ 

Additionally we question what experiments CERN (Full list here http://greybook.cern.ch/programmes/EXP_NAM.html may have been running to perhaps cause a quake in this article, https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/italy-earthquake-epicenter-near-nuclear-physics-lab/ 

Less than two weeks ago:

The world’s biggest atom smasher has set a new world record for beam intensity, a key measure of performance and power, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) said Friday. http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5ijRsYCWoEnwhzIWmNT0wG5C-xfuw?docId=CNG.d329a1dc93deefddd40e90d8a495c742.311

A graphic shows the Large Hadron Collider accelerating to energy levels that had never been previously reached

Putting aside physics there is always a turn to HAARP, frequently scrutinized for causing earthquakes. The most recent great Japan Quake Conspiracy can be read here https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2011/03/14/japan-conspiracy-2011-earthquake-tsunami-march-14/.

In February, 2010 both Chile and Japan reported massive earthquakes at 8.8 and 7.0 Magnitudes.  Were there warning signs?  Follow the conspiracy of them at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/02/27/chile-japan-earthquake-conspiracy/

Lest we not forget, though many have, the massive Haiti Earthquake.  Read more connections on the  Haiti Earthquake Conspiracy, HAARP, EISCAT Experiments on January 12, 2010 here https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/14/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-eiscat/

Getting back to the immediate future, along comes Family Radio http://www.familyradio.com/index2.html, proclaiming:

MAY 21, 2011

Has God sent the, “Gospel of The Kingdom” to Harold Camping and his flock  to spread the warnings of Judgement Day?  God willing, we will all be here for at least the next 10 days to see the outcome of this.  In the meantime, Family Radio continues to accept donations on-line.  You know you can’t take it with you. 

Via http://bible.cc/matthew/7-15.htm

Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Matthew 7:15

For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect–if that were possible. Matthew 24:24

Wonder what the global warming alarmists might have to say about, This is what the LORD says: “See how the waters are rising in the north; they will become an overflowing torrent. They will overflow the land and everything in it, the towns and those who live in them. The people will cry out; all who dwell in the land will wail.”   

Memphis in the grip of a historic 75-year flood of the Mississippi River 10 May 2011.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation  http://ffrf.org/ folks, quote Epicurus, Greek philosopher, circa 300 B.C.

Either God wants to abolish evil and cannot, or he can but does not want to.
If he wants to but cannot he is impotent. If he can but does not want to, he is wicked. If he neither can nor wants to, then he is both powerless and wicked. (via http://groups.google.com/group/alt.conspiracy/msg/0793bb49d2d75cec

What is wicked is if mankind intentionally created earthquakes and so called, weather and natural disasters.  That, you have to judge for yourself.  

Latest Earthquakes Magnitude 2.5 or Greater in the United States and Adjacent Areas and Magnitude 4.5 or Greater in the Rest of the World – Last 7 days at, http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/quakes_all.php

If today or May 21, 2011 is the end then so much for 2012, Planet X, Nibiro, Nostradamus, Ahrcanum, etc.?  A nice wrap of conspiracies can be found by John Hogue bio. Author of 17 books in 19 languages, “Rogue” scholar, world authority on Nostradamus and the prophetic traditions of the world- http://hogueprophecy.com/

What we know for sure is that it is 80 degrees and the land needs to be tilled for this year crops- which we fully anticipate eating.  All together now say, “I will not waste today.”  Someday it will in fact, be your last day.

Stay tuned…

  flag tounge 

Open wide, say ahhh and check out more posts from Ahrcanum! 

Our Swine Flu Report that began in April is at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report     

Shaking, rattling and rolling into the conspiracy, truth and science of EARTHQUAKES, HAARP, EISCAT, Tesla, etc., with more posts at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/earthquakes-haarp/  

Help spread the word.  SUBSCRIBE  NOW and Follow us on Twitter (by clicking in the side margin)  so you can get the latest updates as soon as they’re posted. Make sure to retweet, so all your friends get the heads up too.

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Radiation contamination acknowledged for personnel returning from Japan by Vice Admiral Adam Robinson, surgeon general of the Navy, saying:

“There no reason to seek care…there is no medical condition, but there is nuclear contamination…wash selves, shower…visit a medical treatment facility to document who was in an affected area …fill out RADIOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION FORMS…”

In Japan-http://www.japantoday.com/category/lifestyle/view/radiation-free-certificates-in-fukushima-get-unexpected-role

Radiation screenings have been conducted at the entrance of shelters in Fukushima Prefecture since March 13, two days after the devastating quake and tsunami crippled the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. They are intended to check if a resident has been exposed to radiation. “Certificates” are then issued by the doctors to those who have been declared free of any abnormality.

But these certificates have come to be an unexpected function in the community that has become nervous about anything radioactive. Some shelters have started demanding that certificates be presented before any residents evacuating from the nuclear disaster are admitted.  Some officials in the central government, however, are raising their eyebrows about such documentation while demand for them appears to be growing.

In a likely cover-up attempt to dispel panic-

One main player is the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. Officials said they had activated its National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center, which draws on meteorologists, nuclear scientists and computer scientists to forecast plume dispersal.  http://saweatherobserver.blogspot.com/2011/03/military-crew-said-to-be-exposed-to.html 

On March 18, President Obama said he knows that Americans are worried about potential risks from airborne radiation that could drift across the Pacific. “So I want to be very clear,” he said. “We do not expect harmful levels of radiation to reach the United States, whether it’s the West Coast, Hawaii, Alaska or U.S. territories.” http://www.observer-reporter.com/OR/StoryAP/03-18-2011-US-JAPAN-10 

Fukushima whatever level of nuclear crisis level you call it, is a global catastrophe that is poisoning the world.  We can not eat contaminated food.  We can not drink contaminated water. We can not survive high levels of radiation.  While radiation exposure is not contagious person to person this website is a wakeup call to heed fallout warnings at  http://www.parowanprophet.com/Nuclear_War_Comes/radiation_sickness.htm

In America we are being by the experts that the threat of radiation from Japan is minimal.  Of course, the experts say the remaining 440 or so nuclear plants are safe too.  Really, what are the chances of another earthquake, let alone a tsunami taking out a nuclear plant or adding to the disaster in Japan? 

 flag tounge      

Open wide, say ahhh and check out more posts from Ahrcanum!   

Shaking, rattling and rolling into the conspiracy, truth and science of EARTHQUAKES, HAARP, EISCAT, Tesla, etc., with more posts at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/earthquakes-haarp/       

Help spread the word.  SUBSCRIBE  NOW and Follow us on Twitter (by clicking in the side margin) or sign up at http://twitter.com/ so you can get the latest updates as soon as they’re posted. Make sure to re-tweet, so all your friends get the heads up too.         

 CITE THIS SOURCE or may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits.

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"Report by M.A.U.D. Committee on the use of Uranium as a source of power."

JAPAN NUCLEAR MELTDOWN.  SNAFU as Radiation spreads globally.  Lies detected everywhere.

It is become ever more clear that Japan, one of the most earthquake prone countries, has relied on its 54 nuclear reactors to put energy use above safety.    What about America, Germany, France, Canada and all the other countries employing the use of nuclear energy? With the release of radiation from Japan blowing into the wind, we keep hearing that acceptable levels of radiation are acceptable.

Oh, bull_ _ _ _.  Researchers in the United States have performed thousands of radiation experiments in humans to determine the effects of ionizing radiation and radioactive contamination on the human body. http://www.governmentconspiracy.net/2010/04/us-government-human-radiation-experiments-conspiracy/ The world is pretty clear in defining the fact that radiation while a natural occuring event,  is not something you want to overly expose yourself to if you can help it.

Rollback about 60 years or so to the Manhatten Project, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Manhattan_Project and know damned well that the power of a nuclear bomb can be as deadly as radiation exposure.  It just might not kill you in a New York minute.  Some expert on CNN yesterday actually had the audacity to say,  perhaps the latest finding of Plutonium at the site may have been from the Atom bomb.  Oh, pleeeaze.

Managing Director, Akio Komori of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the company that manages the “Fuk-ed,” Fukushima nuclear plant, cried after a press conference. He admitted that the ongoing radiation leaks were serious enough to cause injury or death in the highest area of danger, closest to the damaged plant.  He only mentioned the Fukushima plant.  He hasn’t been seen publically since.  Perhaps he succombed to some nefarious end at the bottom of the ocean? A Seppuku, the ritual Japanese suicide? He is not alone.

TEPCO Pres, “Shimizu’s vanishing act “is not so much extremely strange as inexcusable,” said Takeo Nishioka, the chairman of the upper house of Japan’s Diet, or parliament. Speaking to reporters, Nishioka described as “mysterious” Shimizu’s refusal to join the head of the nuclear safety agency at a briefing on the crisis for parliament. “I cannot understand this,” Nishioka fumed. http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/vanishing-act-by-japanese-executive-during-nuclear-crisis-raises-questions/2011/03/28/AFDnHNpB_story.html

Thanks to Wikileaks, we know that TEPCO has had a history of nefarious activities—

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the Japanese owner of the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant, falsified safety data and “dishonestly” tried to cover up problems there, according to reports based on Wikileaks-leaked cables (The Australian).

Grief for him, yes- anger from the rest of the world is unsurmountable.  We all get that Japan did not prepare for a double whammy quake and tsunami, but a cry for help days ago could have had an impact to lesson this insanity.  As for transparency from Japan, read one report that makes things looks all fine and dandy- http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/press/corp-com/release/11032109-e.html

Press Release (Mar 21,2011)
Plant Status of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station (as of 9:00 pm March 21st)

[No New Developments since 6:00 pm, 21st March]

Unit   Status
1    · Reactor cold shutdown, stable water level, offsite power is
     · No cooling water is leaked to the reactor containment vessel.
     · Maintain average water temperature at 100°C in the pressure
2    · Reactor cold shutdown, stable water level, offsite power is
     · No cooling water is leaked to the reactor containment vessel.
     · Maintain average water temperature at 100°C in the pressure
3    · Reactor cold shutdown, stable water level, offsite power is
     · No cooling water is leaked to the reactor containment vessel.
     · Maintain average water temperature at 100°C in the pressure
4    · Reactor cold shutdown, stable water level, offsite power is
     · No cooling water is leaked to the reactor containment vessel.
     · Maintain average water temperature at 100°C in the pressure

other  N.A.

[The next information in regard to the plant is planned to be released
 at 9:00 am, 22nd March.]

 March 29 report reads the same.

Among the first reports of radiation in the U.S.A.— “A “miniscule” amount of radiation that probably came from damaged nuclear reactors in Japan was picked up at a California monitoring station yesterday, the U.S. government said.” 

A similar level of the radioactive isotope, xenon-133, was detected in Washington state on March 16 and 17, according to the agencies. It was “consistent with a release from the Fukushima reactors in Northern Japan,” according to the statement. The EPA and Energy Department have monitoring systems and neither found “radiation levels of concern.” http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-03-18/-miniscule-amounts-of-radiation-from-japan-detected-by-sacramento-station.html

One would think the headlines would read, “Radiation from Japan hits U.S.” Instead, headlines from Fox and CNN are about the bombings in Lybia and a no fly zone.  Lybia has become a $500 million a week distraction. We can pretty much figure out what the press isn’t telling us after they tell us.

“The real threat is not WikiLeaks or Julian Assange, but you. The real threat is you finding out the truth about those who pretend to be democratic, and to act in your interests, and to promote a peaceful world. The real threat is you being able to call your government to account.”

Should anyone be surprised that Radioactive iodine-131 has been detected in Tokyo’s tap water, milk, and spinach? Should anyone be surprised that just in time for some St. Patrick’s Day glow of green, “A Canadian nuclear power plant has developed a leak and has spilled 73,000 litres of contaminated water into Lake Ontario.” http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/americas/news/article_1626848.php/Canadian-nuclear-power-plant-leak-confirmed

Humpty dumpty sat on a wall with 6 nuclear reactors in a row, do they all fall down? 

Fukushima graphs with new data that was missing before and added new Monitoring Points http://bit.ly/hgKrhW.  Can you spell fu k ed?

MEXT real-time monitoring has shown heightened radiation rates in Ibaraki and elsewhere. The Japan Atomic Energy Agency lists a cluster of installations at Tokai, including three research institutes and commercial reactors. Technologist Marian Steinback has plotted the MEXT data an Google Maps.

With some Fukushima monitors offline since the tsunami, it’s natural to assume abnormal radiation levels are related to what we’re seeing on our TV screens. But variation between these clustered stations tell a different story, as do monitors at the Japan Atomic Power Company’s 1,060MW boiling water reactor, Tokai Dai-Ni….was six times the ICRP recommended civilian exposure and eighteen times the normal background radiation level currently observed at Tepco’s west-coast Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant days ago. Something is wrong in Tokai village, and it’s receiving no scrutiny. via one rick on twitter.

Tokai village?  Japan’s quiet dignity pretty much sucks.  And, for the first time we can ever recall, we are in agreement with of all people, Greepeace.

Steve Campbell from Greenpeace says the lack of information coming from the Japanese authorities on the radiation threat is worrying. “We have concerns there is not enough information, and it may not be the most up-to-date or clear [information],” he said.  “There is clearly contamination, clearly releases of radioactivity coming from the reactor, and the situation is clearly not in control.”  via ABC http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/03/13/3162802.htm?site=sydney

[link to en.wikipedia.org]
Fukushima Dai-ichi

[link to en.wikipedia.org]
Fukushima Dai-ni

More nuclear plants. All fuk ed?

The four nuclear power plants that have been experiencing serious prblems since the earthquake and tsunami are: Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Station (FUK-I), the plant getting the most press coverage, Fukushima Dai-Ni Nuclear Power Station (FUK II), Onagawa Nuclear Power Station which like the previous two is also located in the northeastern region of the island of Honshu in Japan, and Tokai No. 2 Power Station, Japan’s first nuclear power station that was built in 1962 and is also located in the northeastern region of the island of Honshu but in Ibaraki Prefecture. via http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1404214/pg1

Thus, three nuclear reactors at FUK-I Nuclear Power Station are likely to be in the process of core meltdown (partial or full) at this time and FUK-I reactor 2 suffered a second explosion yesterday that likely ruptured a containment vessel.

[link to www.businessinsider.com]

Fukushima II, the Fukushima Dai-Ni Nuclear Power Station, is operated by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and has four nuclear reactors (1,2,3,& 4). FUK-II is located (7.1 miles north of FUK-I) in the town of Naraha and Tomioka in the Futaba District of Fukushima Prefecture in Japan.

Following the tsunami, according to Japanese government officials all four of FUK-II’s reactors were successfully automatically shut down. However, cooling water pumps at reactors 1, 2, & 4 sustained damage caused by the tsunami on March 11th.

Here’s a link to a TEPCO Press Release dated March 12th that discusses the status of the reactors at the FUK-II plant: [link to www.tepco.co.jp]

Accordingly, on March 13th an evacuation order (radius of 20 km) was issued because of possible radioactive contamination occurring involving reactors at the FUK-II Nuclear Power Station.  [link to www.rttnews.com]

The Onagawa Nuclear Power Station is operated by the Tohoku Electric Power Company (TEPC), it has three nuclear reactors (1, 2, & 3), and it is located in northeastern Japan.

On March 11th, a fire broke out at the Onagawa Nuclear Power Station’s reactor number 4 and raged for two hours.

[link to www.iaea.org]

On March 13th, TEPC stated that the cooling systems at all three reactors at the Onagawa complex were automatically shut down after the earthquake and tsunami and they were functioning properly.

[link to www.cnbc.com]

However, on March 13th a state of emergency was declared at the Onagawa Nuclear Power Station by TEPC because radiation readings in areas surrounding the plant exceeded allowed limits.

[link to www.news.com.au]

The Tokai No. 2 Power Station (Japan’s first, built in 1962) is operated by the Japan Atomic Power Company and it is also located in northeastern Japan in the Ibaraki Prefecture. Officials stated that its reactors were able to be automatically shut down after the earthquake and tsunami.

[link to www.iaea.org]

However, on March 13th, the Japanese Fire and Disaster Management Agency reported that a cooling system pump stopped functioning properly at the Tokai No. 2 Power Station.

[link to nuclearstreet.com]

Here’s a link to a summary prepared by the IAEA  of what has transpired at each of the nuclear power stations in northeastern Honshu, Japan since March 11th.

[link to www.iaea.org]

Here is a list of all of Japan’s 55 nuclear reactors:  [link to www.japannuclear.com] Unfortunately, it appears that this list may come in handy in the near future.  There is also a very detailed preliminary timeline of what has occurred at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Station that has been compiled here:[link to en.wikipedia.org]

What has occured is SNAFU.   Prime Minister Naoto Kan’s acknowledgement that this is the worst crisis since World War Two, is like asking if the chicken or the egg came first; it really doesn’t matter.

Note, sorry for any typographical errors, a bug in the spell check from WP.

 flag tounge      

Open wide, say ahhh and check out more posts from Ahrcanum!   

Shaking, rattling and rolling into the conspiracy, truth and science of EARTHQUAKES, HAARP, EISCAT, Tesla, etc., with more posts at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/earthquakes-haarp/       

Help spread the word.  SUBSCRIBE  NOW and Follow us on Twitter (by clicking in the side margin) or sign up at http://twitter.com/ so you can get the latest updates as soon as they’re posted. Make sure to re-tweet, so all your friends get the heads up too.         

 CITE THIS SOURCE or may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits.

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Japan Earthquake
Watching the earthquakes in Japan and following tsunami happen in near real time was to say the least, heart wrenching.  Further threats from aftershocks, nuclear power plant  meltdowns, radiation poisoning, poor weather conditions, power outages, and a lack of basic supplies only compound the magnitude of the crisis.  Throw in a volcanic eruption for measure in Japan at-http://www.timeslive.co.za/world/article965229.ece/Japanese-volcano-erupts
More than 200 magnitude 5 (and above) aftershocks have been recorded in Japan since the first quake on Friday.
Frequent readers at Ahrcanum (hint, hint, subscribe in the sidebar for updates or follow us on twitter) know that we’ve written about numerous catastrophic events with a conspiracy twist.  Last year in 2010, both Chile and Japan were hit with large quakes that raised our antennae to the possibility that these events may have been caused by man. https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/02/27/chile-japan-earthquake-conspiracy/ The last 9M quake that we recall, was the 9.1M quake off the coast of Sumatra in 2004 that killed and estimated 228,000 people.

It has taken us days to absorb the magnitude of another 9.0M earthquake.  What more could we say that others have expressed so eloquently?  As reports began with a 100 dead, we immediately knew these numbers were destined to rise with new reports nearing 10,000 people dead and bodies lining shorelines and buried in the mud. 

Were there warnings by nature across the globe that went unheeded? http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/offbeat/9000351/tsunami-linked-to-fishy-phenomenon/ reported of huge schools of fish being so close to shore that fisherman were out with buckets in Acapulco about the same time as the earthquake hit in Japan. 

A couple troll their little boat through a mass of dead fish in the King Harbor Marina.

Just days before, millions of anchovie were found dead with reports of  fish kills in California, dead seals New Jersey and dead dolphins along the Gulf Coast. Previously reviewed in this article at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2011/01/05/birds-falling-from-sky-%e2%80%93-blame-haarp-flu-poison-or-climate-change/

The cause of the die-off is nearly always decaying algae. Although the oceans are awash in algae, these microscopic organisms bloom when fed by nutrients such as fertilizers and human and animal waste washing off the land. Stoked by such nutrients and exposed to sunlight, algae flourish and then die and sink to the bottom. Bacteria then take over, breaking down the plant matter and sucking the oxygen out of seawater. That leaves little or none for fish and other marine life.  http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2011/03/redondo-beach-dead-fish-oxygen-levels-zero.html

One commentator, Kevin on the article wrote:

Earth is undergoing a magnetic reversal. Fish use magnetic polaraty to navigate like a GPS system. No red tide caused them in here. A magnetic anomaly did. They swam against the wall agressivly and with out end till they died off from cardiac arrest.

A magnetic anomaly?  Decaying algae?  Hummm.  There were rumors of another wormhole sort of blue spiral over Russia just days before on, March 10, 2011. The video is located at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aV46DnxlBGs&feature=player_embedded#at=71 A test practice for the capabilities of HAARP?

Could HAARP truly unleash the power to create an underground tectonic plate shift that resulted in Japan moving 2.4 meters, according to http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/breaking/9002233/quake-moves-japan-2-4m/

www.notanotherconspiracy.com has done our homework for us by posting the magnometer readings from Alaska, (which is in part a joint consortium with Japan) during the time of the earthquake. Obviously the charts reflect some increase as expected.  The question lurks if an array can cause enough heating of the magnetosphere to not only record an event but, perhaps cause an event?

The Atlantean Conspiracy http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2011/03/japan-tsunami-caused-by-haarp.html  points out that HAARP was basically flatlined in the days before the quake.  Coincidence?

And, what was CERN up to? http://greybook.cern.ch/programmes/EXP_NAM.html A whole lot of particles on any given day that just happened to restart, “at the weekend,” according to http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/03/14/us-science-cern-idUSTRE72D5DR20110314.  Another hummm?

“We can not rule out the possibility of an explosion”, said Chief cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano on Sunday regarding Unit 3 of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex.  Unit 1 exploded Saturday resulting in tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people evacuating the area. Today, Monday March 14, 2011 there are reports if addional explosions at Unit 3 and reports of radiation contamination.

Efforts that amount to a Hail Mary Pass might as well turn to only saying  Hail Mary prayers for the people of Japan and what effects a nuclear release of radiation will have; wherever the clouds may blow.  If you do not think those clouds from Japan can and will blow over the U.S.A., you are sadly mistaken. 

As for Coronal Mass Ejections- we have seen our fair share as of late, but really nothing that should trip this kind of trigger.  But, Piers Morgan with Info Wars affiliation says the massive earthquake and tsunami were triggered by massive events on the sun and that there are more to come in the next two years.

So we may glance at the moon and its predictions this week of super powers from a supermoon.  This week, March 19 will bring a full moon that will bring perigee when the moon is closest to the Earth. http://www.huliq.com/10557/scientists-say-supermoon-had-no-role-japan-tsunami Will we see more earthquakes, additional volcanic eruptions?

An earthquake can move the earth’s axis and change the length of the time of day and shift the alignment of the poles according to NASA at, http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2005/jan/HQ_05011_earthquake.html.  The inertia of a predicted pole shift anticipated for 2012 is significantly twisting our antennae as well.

Is The Great Japanese Earthquake the beginning of the end for the 3rd largest economy in the world?  A sign of things to come? A sign of things ending? Recent reports are of 965 micro sieverts have been measured in the area surrounding the latest nuclear plant explosion with the mayor saying Tokyo has now started monitoring radiation.  This is the same, “Tokyo mayor Ishihara alleges tsunami is “heavenly retribution for Japan’s greed.”

What words could we write to say how insensitive Ishihara’s statement is, and that you Sir are an ass? 

Just how long until the California coastline is affected?  Stay tuned. 


Earthquakes in Japanese http://typhoon.yahoo.co.jp/weather/jp/earthquake/ 

USGS a quake list for 10 -degree map centered at 35N, 140E, the Honshu Region- http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Maps/10/140_35.php 

Live UStream TV Japan http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nhk-gtv

Aljazeera TV in English at   http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/

Top of Page, Japan earthquake image credits to http://www.allvoices.com/cartoons/c/75086966-Japan-Earthquake#parent_comment_div


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Earthquakes are slamming Alaska today as the Solar Storm continues to pummel the earth with geomagnetic activity. 

This morning a Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake struck the  ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA. at 2010 August 04 12:58:24 UTC http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/us2010znbf.php

6.3M is nothing to shake a stick at. 

HAARP’s magnetometers were fairly calm until the start of the solar storm, kicked off by Sunspot 1052.  It is now picking up significant anomalies in the magnetosphere.  The three traces represent mutually orthogonal components of the earth’s magnetic field as follows:

  • The “H” component (black trace) is positive magnetic northward
  • The “D” component (red trace) is positive eastward
  • The “Z” component (blue trace) is positive downward

HAARP Magnetometer Chain

Real-time monitoring of the Earth’s magnetic field, Data for research and practical application from USGS  is showing major spikes from Alaska all the way to Guam. You can view the real time data at  http://geomag.usgs.gov/realtime/, which supposedly demonstrates a wide dispersal of geomagnetic energy affecting far apart distances. 

As we grab for our tinfoil hat, the Station- CMO Fairbanks, AK, located at 25.13°/212.14° at 197 meters, went OFFLINE BEFORE the quake hit.  It was picked up at almost all reporting stations including as far as the station at SJG, Cayey, PR,71.89°/293.85°, 424 meters.

Scientifically,we are under a solar storm alert, all be it, a supposed minor one.   http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/SWN/index.html NOAA Alerts / Bulletins
Latest Alert: Aug 04 1032 UTC ALERT: Geomagnetic K-index of 5.  Yesterday in was an index of 4. 

Latest GOES Solar X-ray Image, 2010 Aug 04 15:25 UTC (Aug 04 09:25 MDT)

Spacequakes have been going on for sometime in our universe, but now we have a model prediction thanks to the satellites circling the Sun. 

In 2007, THEMIS discovered the precursors of spacequakes. The action begins in Earth’s magnetic tail, which is stretched out like a windsock by the million-miles-per-hour solar wind. Sometimes the tail can become so stretched and tension-filled, it snaps back like an over-torqued rubber band.

Solar wind plasma trapped in the tail hurtles toward Earth. On more than one occasion, the five THEMIS spacecraft were in the line of fire when these “plasma jets” swept by. Clearly, the jets were going to hit Earth. But what would happen then? The fleet moved closer to the planet to find out.

“Now we know,” said THEMIS project scientist David Sibeck of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. “Plasma jets trigger spacequakes.”

According to THEMIS, the jets crash into the geomagnetic field some 18,600 miles (30,000 km) above Earth’s equator. The impact sets off a rebounding process, in which the incoming plasma actually bounces up and down on the reverberating magnetic field, akin to a tennis ball bouncing up and down on a carpeted floor. The first bounce is a big one, followed by bounces of decreasing amplitude as energy is dissipated in the carpet.  http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/yahoocanada/100728/canada/violent_spacequakes_shake_earth_from_above

If plasma bounces up and down on the reverberating magnetic field after it crashes someplace above the equator, could it have bounced on over to Alaska to cause this earthquake and the one earlier today- Magnitude 6.4 – EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEA,  2010 August 04 07:15:33 UTC http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/us2010znav.php?

That’s a pretty big bounce.

If the satellites can observe CME’s from the Sun, is there nothing NASA has available to track where the plasma impact occurs on Earth? 

Could this solar alert provide a perfect covert opportunity for advanced weapons experiments using SCALAR weapons?  What are the chances that a station goes off line in the vicinity of an earthquake before one hits?  Could HAARP have fired a beam up to heat the ionosphere causing the quake?

What of Accelerator-based experiments shooting particles through the Earth? A solar storm is the perfect storm to attempt some new experiment that could cause of quakes and disruptions.

The neutrinos are generated at CERN when a proton beam from the Super Proton Synchrotron strikes a target, producing pions and kaons. These quickly decay, giving rise mainly to νμ that pass unhindered through the Earth’s crust towards Gran Sasso. The appearance and subsequent decay of a τ in the OPERA experiment would provide the telltale sign of νμ to ντ oscillation through a charged-current interaction. http://cerncourier.com/cws/article/cern/43178

Recall that the San Grasso Lab was almost ground zero for the Italy Quake!

While this solar storm seems minor, millions of people are getting there first opportunity to see the aurora borealis with a wider than normal viewing area depending on the weather

Auroral Activity Extrapolated from NOAA POES

With all that energy, could a wormhole form due to the magnetic properties of the north pole, interacting with the solar winds?  Shall we send our politicians for a look?

While Alaska and New Guinea are rattling, finally at BP at the  Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill in The Gulf of Mexico, “claimed “a significant milestone” in efforts to plug a leaking well for good on Wednesday ahead of a U.S. government report that will show most of the spilled crude is already gone.

“The good news is that the vast majority of the oil appears to be gone,” Carol Browner said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

 A New York Times story said the report would show three-quarters of the oil released has already evaporated, dispersed, been captured or eliminated. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/reuters/100804/n_top_news/cnews_us_oil_spill

This too shall pass.  Until the next disaster, earthquake, experiment, etc.

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Boobquake, the event to create an earthquake is set for Monday, April 26, 2010.  

Just when you think you’ve heard every conspiracy theory regarding the volcano’s and earthquakes, along comes a Muslim cleric saying that woman who reveal their breasts can cause earthquakes.  You couldn’t make this stuff up.

Tehran (April 24, 2010): A senior Iranian cleric opined that social decency would avoid earthquakes, the Tehran press reported Saturday.

Ayatollah Ahmad Janati, head of the senate-like Guardian Council, said that although no one can predict quakes, moral lifestyles filled with prayer and the giving of alms could prevent seismic activity.

The remarks by Jannati followed comments last week by cleric Ayatollah Kazem Sedighi suggesting that social immorality – such as improper women’s clothing and extramarital sex – would increase the probability of earthquakes.

Women in Iran are required by Islamic authorities to wear a head scarf and long gown to hide hair and body contours.http://www.thesundaily.com/article.cfm?id=45966

Self described Jen McCreight, is a liberal, geeky, nerdy, scientific, perverted atheist feminist trapped in Indiana who runs the blog blaghag .  http://www.blaghag.com/2010/04/in-name-of-science-i-offer-my-boobs.html 

In the name of science she is offering her boobs to disprove that breasts cause earthquakes and wants women around the world to help her disprove the Ayatollahs statements. So far 159, 266 people have agreed to participate in the event on facebook.

I have a modest proposal.

Sedighi claims that not dressing modestly causes earthquakes. If so, we should be able to test this claim scientifically. You all remember the homeopathy overdose?

Time for a Boobquake.

On Monday, April 26th, I will wear the most cleavage-showing shirt I own. Yes, the one usually reserved for a night on the town. I encourage other female skeptics to join me and embrace the supposed supernatural power of their breasts. Or short shorts, if that’s your preferred form of immodesty. With the power of our scandalous bodies combined, we should surely produce an earthquake. If not, I’m sure Sedighi can come up with a rational explanation for why the ground didn’t rumble. And if we really get through to him, maybe it’ll be one involving plate tectonics.

So, who’s with me? I may be a D cup, but that will probably only produce a slight tremor on its own. If you’ll be joining me on twitter, use the tag #boobquake! Or join the facebook event!


Breasts Soap Dispenser

In an attempt to not objectify women she later wrote, “I just want to apologize if this comes off as demeaning toward women.”  She also promises to do some follow up on her research.

And to the scientists who are concerned with my methods – don’t worry, I fully plan on doing some statistics after the event. I know many earthquakes happen on a daily basis, so we’re looking to see if Boobquake significantly increases the number or severity of earthquakes.

Science definitely won’t be boring for Boobquake Monday. 

Follow the earthquake tremors at http://earthquake.usgs.gov/.

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Shaking, rattling and rolling into the conspiracy, truth and science of EARTHQUAKES,  VOLCANO’s, HAARP, EISCAT, Tesla, etc., read more posts at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/earthquakes-haarp/       

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The weather is here, wish you were beautiful.  This morning’s Space Shuttle Launch was outstanding. A marvel of science and technology.   YET, how many earthquakes can you count today?  http://quake.usgs.gov/recenteqs/Quakes/quakes0.htm

A whole flipping lot of them as CERN’s LHC remains powered up, setting world plasma collider records. 

http://www.cyriak.co.uk/lhc/lhc-webcams.html shows the destruction, though not actual- certainly plausible.  In reality, the public channel from CERN is rather reassuring http://public.web.cern.ch/public/ achem- as we clear our throats.

Shaking, rattling and rolling…, hold on. posted via i-phone……………………………

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SUICIDE MISSION? The core of the superconducting solenoid magnet at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) must close at the end of 2011 for up to a year to address design issues, according to an LHC director.  

Dr. Steve Myers told BBC News the faults will delay the machine reaching its full potential for two years.  The atom smasher will reach world record collision energies later this month at 7 trillion electron volts.  

But joints between the machine’s magnets must be strengthened before higher-energy collisions can commence.  The Geneva-based machine only recently restarted after being out of action for 14 months following an accident in September 2008.  

Dr. Myers said: “It’s something that, with a lot more resources and with a lot more manpower and quality control, possibly could have been avoided but I have difficulty in thinking that this is something that was a design error.”  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8556621.stm  

It wasn’t a design error?  Perhaps a human error  from the greatest physicists in the world who couldn’t “tighten the bolts,” so to speak?   

Perhaps it is the LHC playing God, smashing plasma around underground.  Do you really think that the impact of energy collisions of this magnitude can be contained underground with no impact to the surface?  We’ve got a couple of Easy Bake Ovens to sell you if you do.  

There are numerous instances when colliders are on line and coincidentally devastating quakes occur.  Chile, Haiti, and even Italy all had earthquakes within days of flipping a switch.  Coincidence?  

We reported on Chile on February 25, 2010,  just days before the Chile quake struck far across the world, about the Hadron Collider in this article at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/03/05/methane-bubbles-in-arctic-sea-methanegate-by-cern-haarp-w-earthquake-conspiracy/, “…some fifty of the mighty collider’s huge superconducting magnets to “quench”.  And as Chile was experiencing aftershocks 6+, at the LHC, “The measurements quoted in the publication were obtained at 0.9 to 2.36 teraelectron volts (TeV). This alone is a world record. However, the aim of the physicists is to achieve collisions at 14TeV. These would represent conditions as present shortly after the Big Bang.” http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100303094820.htm  

The LHC wants to re-create the Big Bang?  Yep.  Chile got a big bang alright.

The Doritos ad (inset above) is being pulsed out over a six-hour period from high-powered radars at the EISCAT European space station in the Arctic Circle. (Credit: Frank PR)

Before the Haiti Quake, EISCAT was busy running its own experiments and it wasn’t beaming a Dorito ad into space. ” The experiment will employ both of the Svalbard antennas, together with three recently installed panel arrays. It is the intention to use the LT4  pulse code, but this will change to the ARCS pulse code if high energy precipitation studies are required. From https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/14/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-eiscat/  

Experiments at Gran Sasso National Laboratory

In Italy, is it a coincidence that  The National Institute of Physics at The Gran Sasso National Laboratory-LNGS, is located near the heart of the Italy earthquakes epicenter in April 2009?  Project OPERA collects neutrinos from the CERN particle physics lab in Geneva to the Gran Sasso underground lab in central Italy, 730 km away. https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/italy-earthquake-epicenter-near-nuclear-physics-lab/  

In the past, CERN – like Fermi lab near Chicago, which also operates a supercooled particle collider – ran its accelerators on a one-year schedule. The accelerator ran continuously for eight or nine months, followed by a four or five-month shutdown for maintenance, repairs, and upgrades. says Symmetry Breaking at http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/breaking/2010/03/11/de-mystifying-the-lhc-shutdown/  

Fermi Accelerator Complex

Fermi lab is a national laboratory funded by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy.  Yesterday 3.11.10, it announced a break through saying we, “have achieved the world’s most precise measurement of the mass of the W boson by a single experiment….The particle, which is about 85 times heavier than a proton, enables radioactive beta decay and makes the sun shine. The Standard Model also predicts the existence of the Higgs boson, the origin of mass for all elementary particles.” http://www.interactions.org/cms/?pid=1027839  

Again with the origin of mass!  As for the origin of the species argument, it will not go away no matter what science proves.  Imagine telling the billions of believer’s in God, that there is no God? A tree that falls in the woods makes a noise even though I didn’t see it fall.  Higgs boson may exsist but we don’t need to see them or re-create them.

…distinguished physicists have suggested that the hypothesized Higgs boson, which physicists hope to produce with the (sic LHC) collider, might be so abhorrent to nature that its creation would ripple backward through time and stop the collider before it could make one, like a time traveler who goes back in time to kill his grandfather….“Well, one could even almost say that we have a model for God.” http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/13/science/space/13lhc.html

I had an undergrad course in Philosophy.  The final was to describe the chair sitting in the room.  My answer was two words, “What Chair?”  Got an A.  

What particles?  

We’ve got HAARP and EISCAT heating the atmosphere and CERN heating the underground.  Up and down the Earth is being bombarded by artificially created energy that has to go somewhere.  Is all that energy enhancing the shifting of fault lines and plates beneath the earth’s surface to cause the recent increase of quakes?

Last night another quake hit Chile,  but this one was closer to the surface than the quake that hit last month.

“This quake was located at a depth of 6.8 miles compared to the February 27th tumbler which was at a depth of 21.7 miles. That earthquake, centered offshore with a magnitude of 8.8, was the seventh largest quake in recorded history…It is not certain whether today’s quake was a pre-shock, an aftershock of the February 27th earthquake or a separate earthquake. The earthquake occurred in the “aftershock region”. “The March 11 earthquakes almost certainly occurred as the result of the change of regional stress caused by the February 27 earthquake,” the USGS said in a statement.  http://www.bestsyndication.com/?q=20100311_chilean_earthquake.htm

Wonder what experiments HAARP, EISCAT, Fermi and the LHC collider were operating last night? 

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Our Swine Flu Report that began in April 2009 is at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/swine-flu-report          

Shaking, rattling and rolling into the conspiracy, truth and science of EARTHQUAKES, HAARP, EISCAT, Tesla, etc., with more posts at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/earthquakes-haarp/       

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Chile and Japan have reported massive earthquakes at 8.8 and 7.0 Magnitudes, respectively in the last 24 hours. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/quakes_big.php  

We pondered the cause and connection of the recent devastating Haiti earthquake between the AREBICO observatory and array in nearby Puerto Rico http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arecibo_Observatory  and what HAARP and EISCAT were doing in this post at https://ahrcanum.wordpress.com/2010/01/14/haiti-earthquake-conspiracy-haarp-eiscat/.  

Chile and Japan are both home to huge observatories.  We wonder again if science gone has gone mad -created an accident by intention or otherwise, if governments are manipulating political influence, or if it is the earth’s tectonics naturally shifting that have caused two incredible large earthquakes.  


Chile is home to the Llano de Chajnantor Observatory including the Atacama Large Millimeter Array- ALMA.  It is the largest and most sensitive instrument in the world at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths.   Other antennas there include:   

CBI microwave
ASTE submillimeter
APEX submillimeter
NANTEN2 millimeter-submillimeter
ACT microwave
QUIET microwave
TAO optical-infrared
ALMA millimeter-submillimeter

ALMA is an international partnership of Europe, North America and East Asia, and is the largest astronomical project in existence.  ALMA is a fusion of ideas, with its roots in three astronomical projects: the Millimeter Array (MMA) of the United States, the Large Southern Array (LSA) of Europe, and the Large Millimeter Array (LMA) of Japan. according to WIKI.  

Could any of these have the potential to create some sort of wave generation power to create an earthquake?  

On the other side of the world is Japan’s National Astronomical Observatory Japan who issued this press release recently:  

Three antennas working in unison open new bright year for revolutionary observatory.  

The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has passed a key milestone crucial for the high-quality images that will be the trademark of this revolutionary new tool for astronomy. Astronomers and engineers have, for the first time, successfully linked three of the observatory’s antennas at the 5000-meter elevation observing site in northern Chile. Having three antennas observing in unison provides the missing link to correct errors that arise when only two antennas are used, thus paving the way for precise images of the cool Universe at unprecedented resolution. http://www.nao.ac.jp/E/index.html  

While not expected to be completely operational until 2012, this January only weeks before the Haiti quake and now two huge quakes in Chile and Japan- three antennas have gone online.  Are they sending and receiving waves?  

VERA(VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry) Ishigakijima station, Okinawa, Japan. National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. Shisa is on the gate.

Close to the epicenter of the Japan Quake at 25.902 latitude and 128.417 longitude, at precisely  24°24′43.834″N 124°10′15.578″E / 24.41217611°N 124.17099389°E / 24.41217611; 124.17099389 is the VERA 20m radio telescopes in Ishigakijima, Japan.  Coincidence?  

From our friends in Tokyo, Japan is the induction magnetometer installed at the HAARP site in Alaska.  It is  designed to detect temporal variations of the geomagnetic field.  The following illustrates the 36 hour time period surrounding the earthquakes.  

Power Spectral Density Feb 26, 27, 2010

No audio of the waveform has been made available.  

Ionospheric absorption Feb 25-27, 2010

Current geophysical data is available from more scientific instruments at HAARP  http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/haarp/data.html .   

What motivations would a country have to aim a Tesla like earthquake weapon, if one exists at all?   

The website “Not Another Conspiracy,” http://www.notanotherconspiracy.com/2010/02/japan-earthquake-relations-with-iran.html points out the political connection that Tokyo made an offer to construct five nuclear power plants for Tehran.  Most of the world is against Iran having any sort of access to Uranium for any use. We point out that Japan is now the U.S.’s largest holder of Treasury debt.  America bombs them and they own us. Humph.  

Last week, “Chile’s former Labor and Social Security Minister demystifies the U.S.’s $100 trillion unfunded benefits problem. Since Pinera is the man who many years ago privatized Chile’s entitlement system, America, and the entire Western system, which for the past century has been relying on unfunded liabilities to provide benefits to the population in the hopes that funding day will never come, may do well to listen to what he has to say. His message: the American way of life, more so than anything else, in which reckless spending, living on credit and not saving for the future, is precisely why the US will be bankrupt very soon. via http://www.zerohedge.com/article/100-trillion-problem-can-america-learn-chile-its-too-late  

“So this big hole is not only a problem in America, it’s exactly the same problem in Greece today, in Southern Europe, in France, in Germany. The west will go bankrupt unless you reform deeply the entitlement state. You are all prisoners of the Bismark unfunded entitlement system…  

Is this “big hole,”  and yet another seismic catastrophe just the opportunity for a New World Order and loss of American sovereignty as some have suggested?  

Alas, back to the quakes- there is no dispute that Japan sits above 4 tectonic plates. These are the North American, the Eurasian, the Philippine Sea Plate and the Pacific Plate, often referred to as the Niigata-Kobe Tectonic Zone(NKTZ). http://cais.gsi.go.jp/Virtual_GSI/Tectonics/Niigata_Kobe/niigata_kobe.html   

And, from Nat Geo via,  http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2010/02/100227-tsunami-warning-for-hawaii-after-huge-chile-earthquake/ Chili’s earthquake occurred along the junction of the Nazca and South American tectonic plates, which are colliding off the coast of Chile at a rate of 80 millimeters per year….one of the most active tectonic zones in the world.  

Long and short Chile, and Japan sit on active tectonic plates and both have considerable observatories to monitor whatever you can imagine, and perhaps create whatever you can imagine.  What is not an imagination is that fact is that a tsunami alert went out hours before the first waves, described by Nat Geo as, “traveling at the speed of a passenger jetliner and were expected to hit Hawaii at 11:19 this morning, local time.”  

ABC news added that,” The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center also issued a tsunami advisory for the coast of California and an Alaskan coastal area from Kodiak to Attu islands. http://www.pompom.in/2010/02/hawaii-reels-under-tsunami-warning/  

Alaska,yes.  http://www.tsuru-bird.net/attu/ for some interesting photos, maps and hitsory of the Attu Islands. 

We wonder could this tsunami generate a cleansing of- , “A “national sacrifice zone” is unofficial military designation these days for tracts of land polluted beyond any possible future use. The same words have historically been used to describe areas of Alaska devoted to national security projects. http://www.mapcruzin.com/news/bush072901a.htm.  

Tomorrow will tell what academic data HAARP produces….  Stay tuned.   

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